Why Use Zeolite To Support Parasite Cleansing?

Parasites are a worldwide issue and they can cause a range of health problems. These organisms live on or inside a host organism and depend on the host for survival. While there are many different treatments available for parasite infections, using zeolite as part of a parasite cleansing protocol is gaining attention as a natural and effective solution. Many people are aware of parasite infections causing problems for pets but not so aware of the vast amount of health problems caused for humans. In this article we will discuss using zeolite as part of a parasite cleansing protocol for humans.

Symptoms of Parasite Infections

Parasite infections can be difficult to detect because they often present with a range of symptoms that can be easily attributed to other health issues. Some of the most common symptoms of parasite infections include:

  • Digestive issues such as diarrhea, constipation, gas, and bloating

  • Skin irritation, including rash, hives, and eczema

  • Unexplained weight loss or weight gain

  • Fatigue, weakness, and muscle pain

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Headaches

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Joint pain and stiffness

It is true that these symptoms can be caused by other things, but they can also be a sign of a parasitic infection.

It is important to note that different types of parasites can cause a range of different symptoms in humans. Whipworms are a type of helminth that can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss. Tapeworms, another type of helminth, can cause abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and weight loss, as well as weakness and dizziness. Giardia, a protozoan parasite, can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramps. Hookworms, on the other hand, can cause anemia, fatigue, and abdominal pain, as they feed on the host's blood. If you suspect you may have a parasite infection, it's important to seek medical advice before incorporating natural remedies into your treatment plan.

Why Zeolite is an Effective Solution for Parasite Infections

Zeolite is a natural mineral that is formed from volcanic ash and seawater. It is known for its unique ability to attract and trap heavy metals, toxins and other harmful substances in the body. This is due to its unique structure, which consists of a three-dimensional network of pores and channels. These pores and channels are able to trap and hold onto toxins and other harmful substances, allowing them to be safely removed from the body.

When used as part of a parasite cleansing protocol, zeolite can help to remove parasites and other toxins from the body. Parasites often release toxins as they feed and reproduce, which can cause a range of health problems. Zeolite works by binding to these toxins and carrying them out of the body through the digestive tract. Parasites also love heavy metals and will absorb heavy metals that your body is consuming through food, water. air or personal care products. So if you are using a product such as zeolite for targeting your heavy metals you are also targeting your parasites which are full of heavy metals.

In addition to its ability to remove toxins and parasites from the body, zeolite has other benefits that make it an effective solution for parasite infections. For example, zeolite is able to support the immune system by binding to harmful substances that can weaken the immune system. This allows the immune system to function more effectively, helping to fight off infections and illnesses and naturally eliminate parasites from the body before they become a health issue.

Zeolite is also mineral rich and able to give back necessary minerals to the body. Parasites often feed on the nutrients in the body, leading to mineral deficiencies. Zeolite supplements are able to replace these minerals, helping to restore balance to the body.

Why Clinoptilolite is the Most Effective Form of Zeolite

There are many different forms of zeolite available. One of the most effective forms of zeolite is clinoptilolite. This form of zeolite has been shown to have superior absorption and ion-exchange capabilities compared to other forms of zeolite. It is able to bind to a wide range of toxins and heavy metals, making it an effective solution for parasite infections.

It is also important to choose a high-quality zeolite product, as not all zeolites are created equal. A high-quality zeolite product will come from a quality mine, be extracted gently, and have any contaminants removed from the manufacturing process. Look for zeolite products that have been independently tested for purity and effectiveness.

Powders and supplements are also superior to liquid forms of zeolite. Liquid forms of zeolite can be less effective because they may not have the same absorption and ion-exchange capabilities as powdered or capsule forms.


Parasite infections are a very common problem and can cause a range of health issues. While there are many different treatments available for parasite infections, using zeolite as part of a parasite cleansing protocol is gaining attention as a natural and effective solution.

Zeolite is a natural mineral that is able to attract and trap toxins and other harmful substances in the body. When used as part of a parasite cleansing protocol, zeolite can help to remove parasites and other toxins from the body. Clinoptilolite is the most effective form of zeolite and is able to bind to a wide range of toxins and heavy metals.

It is important to choose a high-quality zeolite product that has been independently tested for purity and effectiveness. Powders and supplements are also superior to liquid forms of zeolite. We recommend you try LavaVitae Lava Pure Zeolite Powder or Capsules which have been shown in many studies to be more effective in fact up to 40% more effective than similar zeolite products on the market.

Again if you suspect you may have a parasite infection, it is important to seek medical advice even if your preference is to incorporate natural remedies such as zeolite into your parasite cleansing protocol. With its ability to remove toxins and parasites from the body, support the immune system, and give back necessary minerals, zeolite is one important natural and effective tool for parasite infections.


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