Frequently Asked Questions

How many business partnerships are there at LAVAVITAE?
There are 4 business partnerships at LAVAVITAE
– Affiliate Partnership
– Green Label Partnership
– Red Label Partnership
– Blue Label Partnership

What distinguishes an affiliate partnership from other partnerships?
The affiliate partner operates a business without team building, therefore this business partnership is also based on its own, limited general terms and conditions. All other business partners operate a business with team building.

How is a distinction made between the business partnerships in the GTCs and also otherwise?
When business partners are generally referred to or written about, this applies equally to all 4 business partnerships. If there are differences, then the business partnerships are separated into:
– Affiliate Partnership
– Label Partnership

Is it possible to upgrade from a label partnership to a higher label partnership?
Yes, an upgrade to a higher label partnership is possible for an unlimited period of time.

What are the costs of the upgrade?

In the course of the upgrade, the difference between the two labels plus an upgrade fee of € 29,-- will be charged.

– Green Label to Red Label: Difference € 480,-- + € 29,-- = € 509

– Green Label to Blue Label: Difference € 1.210,-- + € 29,-- = € 1.239

– Red Label to Blue Label: Difference € 730,-- + € 29,-- = € 759

When does the increased commission entitlement of the newly acquired label become active?
The increased entitlement of the newly acquired label becomes active from the receipt of the payment. From this point on, the newly acquired label is visible in the back office and the increased commission entitlement is active. In the Dual Team Bonus, this means that the increased commission entitlement already applies to the respective calculation period (weekly) in which the upgrade was carried out. In the Unilevel, Leadership, Generation and World Sales Pool, this means that the increased or general commission entitlement applies to the respective calculation period (monthly) in which the upgrade was carried out.

What is the general prerequisite for earning commissions in the LAVAVITAE remuneration system?
The general basic requirement to be able to earn commissions in the LAVAVITAE remuneration system is a business partnership with the ‘active’ status.

What is the requirement to earn team commissions?
The requirements to be able to earn team commissions are: 1. Business partnership with ‘active’ status 2. Status: Qualified

How does the business partner achieve the ‘active’ status?
With the purchase of the respective Starter Label, the Business Partner has the status ‘active’ for 30 days. With the purchase of the PV (personal volume), the business partner acquires the status ‘active’ in the future.

How does the business partner achieve the ‘active’ status?
With the purchase of the respective Starter Label, the Business Partner has the status ‘active’ for 30 days. With the purchase of the PV (personal volume), the business partner acquires the status ‘active’ in the future.

What is the minimum PV to reach ‘active’ status each month?
16 SV

What is the maximum time a partner can acquire the status „active“ in the future through his PV?
Max. 90 days

What happens if a partner does not acquire PV? If the partner does not acquire a PV, his/her status changes to ‘upright’.
If the partner does not acquire a PV, his/her status changes to ‘upright’.

How long can a partner be in the ‘upright’ status?
Max. 180 days

What is the general prerequisite for earning commissions in the LAVAVITAE remuneration system?
The general basic requirement to be able to earn commissions in the LAVAVITAE remuneration system is a business partnership with the ‘active’ status.

What happens if a partner loses the status ‘upright’?
If a label partner does not acquire a minimum PV of 16 SV even after more than 180 days, this is considered as an automatic termination of the business partnership on the part of the label partner.

What happens if a partner in ‘upright’ status purchases his minimum PV?
From the time of the purchase, the label partner then changes back to the ‘active’ status.

Does an affiliate partner take a position in the downline?
No, an affiliate partner is not visible in the downline and therefore does not take a position.