LavaVitae Vita Cell: The Number 1 Chlorella Supplement

In the search for natural and effective ways to support our health, LavaVitae Vita Cell stands out as the ultimate choice for chlorella supplementation. Vita Cell consists of pure chlorella, a microalgae found in fresh waters, known for its green and powerful properties. As the original substance of life, chlorella helps us reconnect with vitality and origin. In this article, we explore why LavaVitae Vita Cell is the leading chlorella supplement, offering valuable insights from the world of science and nutrition.

Chlorella: A Daily Dose of Green Vitality

Chlorella, the green power plant, is packed with valuable vital substances that have high bioavailability and combat nutrient deficiencies. This microalgae provides the body with high-quality building blocks and harnesses the original power of sunlight. Recognized as individual organisms only under a microscope, chlorella microalgae offer a valuable contribution to a healthy diet, making Vita Cell an ideal choice for athletes, vegetarians, vegans, and those conscious of their cholesterol levels. It's also a must-have for successful diets or detox programs.

The Solar Power Plant: Chlorophyll in Vita Cell

Chlorella owes its vibrant green color to chlorophyll, often referred to as the green blood of plants. Chlorophyll allows green plants to directly absorb, transform, and store the energy of the sun. Among all green plants on Earth, chlorella has the highest chlorophyll content, making it the undisputed queen of solar power plants. Interestingly, chlorophyll shares remarkable similarities with human blood, differing only by a single atom. Chlorella's magnesium atom in place of iron makes it an excellent source of magnesium for humans.

Valuable Minerals and Vitamins in Vita Cell

Vita Cell not only provides an abundance of magnesium but also contains essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, iodine, potassium, manganese, selenium, and zinc. It surpasses the calcium content of cow's milk, making it an excellent choice for building strong bones and supporting healthy growth in children. Vita Cell also offers valuable vitamins, including A, C, D, E, and K, along with B vitamins essential for the nervous system.

Proteins, Fats, and Active Plant Substances

With the highest protein content among all plants (60% high-quality protein), Vita Cell is a leader among protein sources, surpassing beef and soy. Chlorella's protein composition resembles that of hen's eggs and human breast milk, providing all essential amino acids needed for optimal body regeneration and high-quality connective tissue development. Vita Cell's 11% fat content includes essential fatty acids that benefit the skin, reducing irritations and age spots. Additionally, Vita Cell delivers valuable active plant substances, including carotenoids and chlorella growth factor (CGF), which protect cells and neutralize free radicals.

Vita Cell and Detoxification

Chlorella has a remarkable ability to bind various toxins in connective tissue and organs, making it an integral part of detoxification protocols. LavaVitae has included Vita Cell in its selected product range due to its outstanding detoxifying capacity. The combination of effective detoxification and high-quality nutrient support aligns perfectly with the LavaVitae concept.

The Special Product Refinement of LavaVitae

LavaVitae goes the extra mile to ensure the highest quality and bioavailability of its products. Through a unique natural resonance method, LavaVitae activates all its products, restoring their original vibrational force. This process enhances the bioavailability of ingredients, providing an extraordinarily subtle effect.

Dr. Masaru Emoto, the renowned water researcher, has examined all LavaVitae products using his special method of water crystal photography. The results have shown beautifully shaped and regular crystal images, further validating the exceptional quality of LavaVitae Vita Cell.

Recommended Usage and Considerations

To reap the benefits of Vita Cell, it is recommended to take five tablets a day, swallowed whole with plenty of water, preferably before a meal. The tablets can also be sucked or chewed if desired. It's important to note that Vita Cell may cause a greenish color in the stool, which is perfectly normal due to the indigestible cellulose content.

Individuals with amalgam fillings should swallow the tablets directly without chewing to prevent saturation of the algae with heavy metals present in the mouth, allowing for more effective detoxification.

LavaVitae Organic Chlorella Microalgae

Vita Cell comprises organic freshwater chlorella algae cultivated in Southeast Asia according to organic standards. LavaVitae ensures the purity and refinement of these algae to provide the highest-quality chlorella supplement.

Why Choose LavaVita Vita Cell - Bio-Chlorella?

LavaVitae Vita Cell stands out as the number one choice for chlorella supplementation. With its pure organic chlorella content, Vita Cell offers a wealth of benefits for overall health and well-being. From providing valuable proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins to its detoxifying and digestive support, Vita Cell is a valuable companion for the whole family.

By incorporating LavaVitae's special product refinement techniques and Dr. Masaru Emoto's expertise, Vita Cell delivers exceptional quality and bioavailability. Embrace the green vitality of chlorella with LavaVitae Vita Cell and experience the power of this remarkable microalgae in supporting your journey to a healthier and more vibrant life.

LavaVitae Vita Cell - Bio Chlorella is also vegan and suitable for the whole family.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary supplement or making significant changes to your health routine.


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