LavaVitae Vita Pure

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Vita Pure such an effective detoxifier?

The activated zeolite clinoptilolite in Vita Pure is a natural, microporous rock of volcanic origin. Its basic skeleton is a crystal lattice consisting of countless channels and cavities. This special structure and the patented rock preparation for LavaVitae produce an extraordinarily large exchange surface of up to 1000 m2 per gram of zeolite. This turns the activated natural mineral into a perfect sponge that absorbs toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury or cadmium and many other toxins before they can enter the bloodstream. These toxins are thus firmly bound to the clinoptilolite and are reliably excreted via the stool within 24 hours.

Which harmful substances are bound in the body by Vita Pure?

The activated volcanic mineral zeolite clinoptilolite in Vita Pure binds a large number of toxins that are deposited in our organism due to our increasingly polluted environment. These include heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic, but also pesticides such as glyphosate or radioactive substances such as caesium and strontium. In addition, highly toxic endotoxins, i.e. toxic substances that our body produces itself, such as intestinal gases and ammonia, are neutralised.
Since Vita Pure absorbs harmful substances already in the gastrointestinal tract, i.e. before they can enter the bloodstream and damage the organs, we can speak of real prevention. The organism is reliably protected against continuous new stress by regularly taking Vita Pure.

Why does Vita Pure also contain 10% dolomite rock powder?

The activated zeolite clinoptilolite in Vita Pure has been proven to supply the body with over 30 different minerals and trace elements. These are released to the body in the course of an ion exchange when toxins are bound. However, the body needs certain minerals to a greater extent. These elements are called bulk elements and include magnesium and calcium in particular. For this reason, Vita Pure also contains a 10% proportion of dolomite. This rock powder contains magnesium and calcium in an ideal ratio.

In addition, the combination of zeolite clinoptilolite with dolomite proved to be a very lucky choice. A cell study showed that, compared with pure zeolite products, the addition of dolomite significantly increases the effect of the natural mineral zeolite.

Why does Vita Pure support the digestion so effectively?

Within the scope of the approval of a certified medical product, a main mechanism of action must be defined and proven beyond doubt. In the case of Vita Pure this is: Vita Pure supports detoxification and strengthens the intestinal wall barrier by binding heavy metals and ammonium in the gastrointestinal tract.
This means that Vita Pure helps maintain or restore the healthy filtering function of the intestinal wall. If the intestinal wall is damaged or even becomes permeable (leaky good), harmful substances as well as undesirable metabolic products or even intestinal bacteria can enter the bloodstream. This subsequently leads to a strain on the detoxification organs and can cause chronic inflammation. The continuous intake of Vita Pure protects and regenerates the intestinal wall and prevents harmful substances from unintentionally entering the bloodstream. The absorption of vital substances is improved and irritations in the gastrointestinal tract can be alleviated.

What distinguishes Vita Pure from other zeolites on the market?

"Zeolite is not just zeolite"! There are about 150 types of zeolite, but only the zeolite clinoptilolite is suitable for human consumption. And there are also big differences on the market for clinoptilolite. After all, wrong zeolite can possibly do more harm than good! As this volcanic mineral has an immense binding power for heavy metals and toxins, the purity and quality of the material used is of particular importance.

Only the purest raw materials of the best quality are used for Vita Pure and are micronised and activated using a patented preparation process. After all, the finer the grinding of the rock powder, the stronger its attraction for the harmful substances in the body. Vita Pure has a measurably stronger cleansing effect on the body than normally rubbed or untreated products.

Additionally, LavaVitae activates all products with a special natural resonance process. This makes the ingredients more bioavailable and significantly improves the effectiveness at the cell level. Vita Pure guarantees optimum effect with maximum safety.