LavaVitae Vita Cell

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Vita Cell green?

The microalgae Chlorella owes its deep green colour to its extraordinarily high chlorophyll content, which has not yet been measured in this concentration in any other plant. Chlorophyll is the life-giving substance on our planet and is at the beginning of every food chain. Chlorophyll is also known as the "green blood of plants" because it is amazingly similar to the red blood pigment of humans. These two substances only differ by a single atom. Instead of the iron in the haemoglobin of the red blood pigment, chlorophyll has a magnesium atom in its centre, which gives the chlorophyll its typical green colour.

What ingredients does the microalgae chlorella contain?

In addition to the minerals calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, iodine and zinc, chlorella algae in Vita Cell contains vitamins A, C, D, E and K. Furthermore, all B vitamins are present in particularly high concentrations. Vitamin B 12 is found in chlorella in much higher concentrations than in beef liver, which is rich in vitamin B12. Taking 2.5 g Chlorella vulgaris covers the daily requirement of vitamin B12 by up to 300%.

How is the quality of the microalgae in Vita Cell ensured?

The freshwater algae Chlorella in Vita Cell is cultivated in Southeast Asia in closed tubs using pure water. This means that these algae are free of harmful substances and can develop their full effect in the body. Nevertheless, each batch is tested by independent laboratories for pesticides, heavy metals, algal toxins, bacteria and irradiation. Chlorella algae are naturally gluten and lactose free. The tablets are purely vegetable and therefore also suitable for vegans.