LavaVitae's Zeolite Refinement Process: A Unique Restoration Of Natural Vibrations

In today's world, many people are concerned about the impact that modern production processes have on the quality and effectiveness of natural products. At LavaVitae, the team is dedicated to creating high-quality natural products and have developed a special and unique natural resonance process to treat all products before final packaging and dispatch to customers. This process, known as the LavaVitae refinement process, restores a natural product's original vibrations, neutralizing product-specific and environmental impacts at an energetic level.

Unlike conventional manufacturers who are often unaware of the significant effects of machine processing, LavaVitae recognizes that the human body is not just a biochemical being but also an electromagnetic one that reacts sensitively to subtle influences. The LavaVitae refinement process eliminates detrimental effects and restores the natural vibration and original information content of the raw materials used in their products. As a result, LavaVitae's natural products have an extraordinarily harmonizing effect on the body and are distinguished by a higher organizational state. The ingredients are more bioavailable, increasing the vital energy in the body.

Many therapists nowadays work with bioenergetic methods and test which products have the best effect on a person. LavaVitae's natural products usually lead to better results, which is why they are valued and preferred by alternative practitioners and doctors.

To make the added value of the LavaVitae refinement process visible, the team sought a method that could show the subtle effects of this natural resonance process at the finest levels. They discovered that water reacts extremely sensitively to any influence and is an ideal material to store information. Humans consist of 70% water and need fresh water every day to maintain their health. Dr. Masaru Emoto, a famous water scientist, developed water crystal photography, a method to make the life-giving power of water visible.

To use this method, the product under review is mixed with neutral distilled water, and the resulting samples are pipetted onto 50 Petri dishes. They are then frozen for 24 hours at -28°C and examined and photographed at -5°C with an incident light brightfield microscope. Based on Dr. Emoto's findings, the visible forms of the water crystals created are an expression of the water's state of order as a result of the samples it contains. This state of order has a significant influence on the health of living beings.

Dr. Emoto exposed water to various influences, froze it, and photographed the resulting water crystals. He discovered that life-promoting influences produce crystals with harmonious shapes, while negative influences produce ugly shapes. Beautiful music and kind words such as love or gratitude create marvellously beautiful crystals, while noise and insults destroy the beauty of these crystals.

In accordance with Dr. Emoto's research methodology, the quality of food has a profound impact on the shapes of water crystals that form. While pure spring water and water from renowned healing springs like Lourdes produce magnificent crystals, tap water from major cities like Tokyo tends to create shadowy and irregular shapes. Although visually similar, there is a marked difference between organically grown produce and conventionally harvested foods. Physicist Fritz Albert Popp discovered that fresh, high-quality food emits a significantly stronger light, making it distinguishable from lower-quality alternatives. For example, eggs from free-range hens emit more light than those from battery hens, and open-air-grown tomatoes emit more light than those cultivated in hydroponic conditions. The more light a food or dietary supplement contains, the more beautiful the crystals it develops. As such, organically produced food, with its greater vitality, yields more beautiful water crystals.

The water crystal analysis carried out by the Hado Life Water Laboratory in Austria has shown that LavaVitae's products have an incredibly harmonious effect on the body. The regular hexagonal shape of the crystal in the middle of the water crystal is a sign of the water's vitality and beneficial properties. LavaVitae's products consistently produce these regular hexagonal crystals with additional light in the center, indicating their high quality and exceptional properties. In a comparison between the Vita Pure product before and after refinement, water crystal photography showed that the product was already of top quality in terms of raw material selection, production, and processing. However, the LavaVitae refinement process compensated for the fine material deficits and produced a regular and harmonious crystal with wonderful light reflections in the center.

In conclusion, the LavaVitae refinement process is a unique and innovative method that restores natural products' original vibrations, neutralizing product-specific and environmental impacts at an energetic level. LavaVitae's natural products have an extraordinarily harmonizing effect on the body and are preferred by alternative practitioners and doctors due to their higher organizational state and bioavailability.

To download a copy of the LavaVitae Refinement Process on PDF -click here


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